February 2022 / Adar 5782
February 2022/Adar 5782
Shalom haverim v’mishpochah!
(Peace to you, friends and family)
It is so exciting to see the nations lining up to fulfill God’s prophetic Word! Russia, China, Iran, and Turkey are getting positioned as cosmic pawns on God’s timetable. As my grandmother would say, paraphrasing Psalm 2, “Man plans and God laughs!”
DO NOT worry. Although the darkness seems overwhelming, the LIGHT of the gospel and God’s plan for humanity will overcome (John 3:16). The world is recognizing the battle between good and evil. (Isaiah 5:20) God created the idea of nations, and many are awakening and standing up to centralized tyranny.
From these, the coastlands of the nations were separated into their lands, every one according to his language, according to their families, into their nations. Genesis 10:5
To quote this newsletter (LOL!) in the Spring of 2020 I wrote, regarding COVID,
“This is 25% medical, 75% political, and, pardon my math, 100% spiritual!”
For powerful insight about the nature of propaganda, listen to my podcast with Israeli Bible scholar, author, historian, musician and tour guide Avner Boskey at To Life! The Hope Behind the Headlines.
Even here on the ostensibly radical Left Coast of the USA, groups of average citizens are questioning the 2 year-long oppression of a deep state lockdown. In our area, Marin Freedom Rising (MFR) has been challenging the status quo. Their firm but mild activities have been miserably misreported in the local news. This merry band of Freedom Fighters has been peacefully questioning our political leaders about the schools, the “vax” mandates, and our basic God-given rights. While ingesting news and internet reports, please remember the wisdom of American author Mark Twain…
We just returned from frigid New Jersey, where the warmth of King of Kings Worship Center refreshed our souls. We presented our marriage seminar (“From This Day Forward”) and saw many couples in the house and on the web blessed and encouraged. What a joy to be with Pastors Peter and Trisha Roselle and their amazing team. They purchased every copy of When Heaven Hits Home we brought with us, but you can still get one by clicking on the previous link or on this picture!
Here is a review from Amazon: “This book is so good. It's easy reading but filled with so much love and wisdom. I'm about to buy another copy for a friend because now I have to share it with as many as I can and I need my copy lol.” – A. J. A.
So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith. (Galatians 6:10)
Shalom… Shalom – Keep looking up…The King is coming!
We love you and pray great blessings on your house.
With love,
Myles & Katharine