Happy Independence Day Israel!
May 2022 / Iyar 5782
Shalom friends,
We trust you are looking to heaven while the earth spins more and more crazily! Let’s gather and lift up Messiah Yeshua this weekend. If you are in the SF Bay area, join us for Shabbat Friday, May 6th at 7 pm at Beit Abba at 860 Latour Ct, Napa, CA 94558.
We will dance, sing, hear the Word and receive updates from Israel and Ukraine. And do not neglect our own meetings, as is the habit of some, but encourage one another—and all the more so as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:25
Happy Independence Day, Israel!
This week commemorates Yom Ha-Zikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day).
A one-minute siren sounds across the country… the whole society stops to remember the sacrifices that thousands of Israelis (both Jewish and non-Jewish citizens) have made to preserve the modern state of Israel.
For 24 hours, there will be no entertainment on any Israeli TV channel! All regular programing is replaced with special memorial reports and interviews, reflecting on and honoring the lives of those who fell in the defense of this tiny nation.
After pausing for 24 hours to honor those who died, the country turns to celebrating the cause that they died for. Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day) begins.
In the decade after the Soviet Union fell, over 950,000 Jewish people immigrated from the former Soviet Union to Israel. Many of these came to faith in Yeshua and serve in the Body of Messiah in the Land.
Today, we once again see a return from the north as Ukrainian Jews flee their county to safety in Israel. Before the war, Ukraine had the 12th largest Jewish population in the world.“‘Therefore,’ says Adonai, ‘the day will come when people will no longer swear, “As Adonai lives, who brought the people of Isra’el out of the land of Egypt,” but, “As Adonai lives, who brought the people of Isra’el out of the land to the north and out of all the countries where he drove them”; for I will bring them back to their own land, which I gave to their ancestors."
Jeremiah 16
Take a moment to join us in our home for a message we brought just before Passover. Click here God's Got This / A Message of Hope or on the image below!
Thanks to your generosity, House of Peace / Beth Shalom is helping in these efforts to preserve and relocate Jewish souls as they journey to Israel. We have been supporting three Messianic ministries that are on the frontlines in Ukraine. We praise God that The Father’s House has added its formidable strength and sent donations to them as well!
LOCAL NEWS TO BEAT THE BLUES The USA is waiting with our sadly typical divisions to find out the truth behind the “leaked” transcripts of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court discussions. Those of us in California are also watching the pending legislation making abortion available in perinatal stages. The Oxford dictionary defines perinatal as: “relating to the time, usually a number of weeks, immediately before and after birth.
Look up! There is a growing contingent of folks from every political background, lifestyle, and worldview that are waking up to the insanity of Anti-American policies being proposed by our leaders. We need to pray for God’s outcome of these fluid situations!
We are heading back on the road with marriage conferences, preaching opportunities, and an upcoming Israel study tour! Here is a sample of what you will experience in the Land. Sign up ASAP, the bus is filling up…
We are eagerly awaiting our next Grandson… due to make his debut in the next several weeks! Please pray for Jonathan and Rebecca as their hands and hearts get full to overflowing…
We are so blessed with the response to the podcast, “To Life! / The Hope Behind the Headlines” You can listen here for insightful interviews with compelling guests.
Blessings on your house,
Myles & Katharine