God is on the Throne

In the midst of Jerusalem's latest, very challenging strife, we are filming a series on Joseph. The thrust of the series is the mystery of "Mashiach Ben Josef" in relation to " Mashiach Ben David". The suffering one who is also the reigning King.


We are blessed beyond measure to have led 96 pilgrims through the Promised Land. The testimonies of the tour folks were outstanding (to a person, they had life changing experiences) and I am so impressed by the spiritual character of our TV viewers and travel companions. We have the sweetest people with us on tour... so flexible, resilient and God-oriented.After we parted from them, we began this challenging shoot. Because of the city's unrest we have not been able to stay with our schedule and are juggling times and locations. Still, our faithful God released a rainbow, a kiss from heaven, as we taught on the edge of the Judean desert.Please pray for us as we fulfill the mandate to remove the "Egyptian" identity of Jesus and reveal Him as the Messiah of my Jewish people AND the Savior of the world...

God bless you all
Myles and Katharine

Early Morning at the Garden Tomb


Clothed in White Robes (Rev. 7:9)