Happy 4th of July America!
July 2022 /Tammuz 5782
Happy Independence Day USA!
Remember the former things long past,For I am God, and there is no other;I am God, and there is no one like Me,(Isaiah 46:9)
Interestingly, the Torah portion this weekend is Korach (‘Korah’ Num 16:1-18:3) and it is a cautionary tale about God-ordained righteous leadership and fierce jealousy by those who seek unlawful power by displacing that leadership. But the story of Korah’s rebellion does not end with his demise and the death of the 250 men he deceived. It is a true tale of RESTORATION, REVIVAL, AND RECOVERY. You see, Korah’s sons DID NOT agree with their Father’s evil ways, and they went on to pen eleven of the Psalms!
Our children and grandchildren do not have to suffer with the evil we have allowed into this great country. Through our repentance and active participation in culture, education, business, politics, family, and religion, we can leave our kids a better America.
On the eve of the signing of the Declaration of Independence John Adams wrote:
Today we are hearing a viable conversation about the Bill of Rights, our Constitutional Rights, the Right to Life, and the overturning of unrighteous decisions that have marred our last 50 years.
Surely a sign for our times!
As John Adams wrote,“… through all the gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory!”
CapitolHillPrayer.org – Prayer Points from D.C. – Intercession notes for our leaders and updates from Israel
Wallbuilders.com – Real American History, especially our Judeo-Christian roots
Publicsq.com – Find local ‘freedom-loving’ businesses: Faith-based and USA-positive
Your local Pregnancy Resource Center – to pray for and support
Daily Wire – smart, funny, sane - super team of pundits with purpose
Turning Point USA – connecting the Church with the town square
Victor Davis Hanson –analysis of current events by a Stanford professor who is also a 5th generation California farmer
mkhop.org – for the heart of the matter - God’s plan for the people of planet earth!
Thanks to your generosity, we can help those who are on the frontlines of the battles here and in Israel. This month we will support our local Pregnancy Resource Center here in Northern California and in Israel!
In Israel, Be’ad Chaim promotes and preserves life in Israel by offering viable alternatives to abortion, resources for mothers in need, pregnancy counseling, as well as education initiatives.
Thank you for standing with us and for loving what God loves!
With gratitude,
Myles & Katharine