A Word for Shavuot
June 2023
Sivan 5783
What a season! The spiritual battle rages on in the invisible but VERY substantive realm. We see the outplaying of the war in various global hotspots, including Israel and the USA. As we approach the return of the King, dark forces are attempting to distract, defame and defeat those who know their God.
Take heart! Listen to Daniel’s word:
With smooth words he will seduce those who act wickedly against the covenant, but the people who know their God will stand strong and prevail. ( Daniel 11:32 TLV)
How then, shall we prevail?
In this momentous week, we celebrate the Shavuot / Pentecost holiday.
On Memorial Day we remember those who gave their lives for the USA.
Daily, we thank God for growing resistance against the centralizing power of elite ‘overlords’ ( many of whom are unwitting underlings of Satan).
Shavuot (Pentecost) is celebrated as the harvest season of receiving the gift of Torah and the Spirit-filled awakening of the early believers in Yeshua. We received the written Word at Sinai and the Spirit of the Living Word on Mount Zion.
This is also a prophetic time that looks to the fulfillment of God’s Word to Israel:
Romans 11:25 - 26 For I do not want you, brothers and sisters, to be ignorant of this mystery—lest you be wise in your own eyes—that a partial hardening has come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; and in this way all Israel will be saved… (TLV)
How awesome that the Christian world has been engaged for three weeks of fasting and prayer for Israel. You can still get on board for the triumphant close on Sunday, May 28th
Just click here to join in for the rousing conclusion: isaiah62fast
If you cannot join in please remember:
Pray for the new government under Netanyahu, that they would have wisdom and favor both internally and throughout the nations
Pray for the government as they make decisions over the judicial reform
Pray for protection for all of the citizens and soldiers serving in Israel
Pray that God would protect Israel from all of her enemies - Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.
Pray for the new “Olim “ - Immigrants moving to Israel, that they would flourish and be blessed in the Land
Memorial Day commemorates those who paid the ultimate price so we citizens of the USA can live freely under our constitution. We salute the memory of the brave men and women who laid down their lives for us and future generations. If you are a veteran or currently serving,
"Todah Rabah” - thank you very much.
Freethinkers from all theological, political and cultural groups, we THANK YOU for seeking the truth and standing up to the madness and hubris of those who believe life began when they were born. Help us to learn the true history of our country. Although imperfect, we are “Arotzot Ha’ Brit”, as the Israelis call the United States - “Lands of the Covenant”. Just as Israel struggled to be faithful to the God of Abraham, we are in that same conflict today.
Let’s pray for renewal, revival, and reformation for this country of promise that still attracts people from all the world.
Thanks to Your Generosity
Exciting projects are underway here at House of Peace / Beth Shalom:
We will be ministering on TV in Tehran [by satellite] in June
We are sowing into the immigrants returning to the Land of Israel
You can hear our Podcast series, “The New Galileans” on “To Life” / The Hope Behind the Headlines”
We are partnering again with the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel [IBSI] as they bring the message of reconciliation to our Israeli friends and family
We will be speaking in the SF Bay Area throughout the summer
Blessings on your house, as together we proclaim Yeshua to Israel and Israel to the Nations!
With gratitude,
Myles & Katharine