Our Journey Winds Down

 Kol B Seder (all good)Kol d’vash (all honey!)Greetings from Jerusalem, where the Earth can be heard groaning for the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19) and, most importantly, the Mashiach! HE is the captain of the hosts of The Lord!We are exhausted from our journey - a month of leading, teaching, writing, interceding, and TV production in the pressure cooker of Israel. Of course, there is no other place we want to be or other assignment we would request.

Thank You For Your Prayers!

If you have prayed for us, our deepest thanks and heartfelt understanding. Only time will tell how often we were carried on the wings of your prayers. Perhaps also how many times we were protected from harm and covered by your involvement.For now, we are resting. We actually finished our TV shoot as the first rain drops fell—God’s perfect timing—and today (Shabbat) dawned with glorious blue skies and the sun beaming through majestic white clouds. HE is the Master Artist; His creation sings His praises.

Our continual prayer

We are in awe of how God is orchestrating lives in these days. Our continual prayer is that the international faith community will land on God’s side and stand with God’s plan for Israel and the emerging shared destiny of Jews and Christians. You know us, and you know we also reach for the deliverance of our Muslim friends from any “occupation of the soul” that inhibits their recognition of God’s sovereignty.I mean Yahweh, THE God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; not Allah, a desert moon god who opposes the Creator and His scriptural, prophetic plan for Earth and its people. Yahweh/HaShem/Adonai is not willing that any perish, but that all come to eternal life.We have a couple of days left to tie up some loose ends, and we plan to visit Tel Aviv’s Diaspora Museum. It is there, I am told, that we may find info on my relatives who live here or were lost in the Holocaust. Please pray for this poignant and potentially difficult process.We love you all and are so very blessed to co-labor with you!Myles and KatharineMoti v’ Kala


With Tommy Waller, Modern Sign and Wonder


Call of Hope From Jerusalem