The Changing of the Guard

November 2021 /Cheshvan 5782


Recent elections have changed the global political landscape in a dramatic way. The transition of power in the USA, Israel, and Iran heralds a new season of tension and uncertainty in the Middle East. We are prayerfully watching the alignment of nations for God’s purposes. His prophetic Word WILL come to pass.

On a natural level, it is distressing to see the gains of the Trump era lost by the leftist policies of the Biden administration. Think about the wonderful changes we saw under President #45:

  • USA recognizing the Jewish ancient capital, Jerusalem [King David founded it in 3000 B.C.]

  • USA officially acknowledging the Golan Heights as part of ancient and modern Israel

  • Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem

  • Decreasing dependence on foreign [often Muslim dominated] oil

  • Unwinding the Iranian nuclear deal, thus slowing down Iran’s push towards advanced weapons aimed at Israel, Europe, and the USA

  • Promoting the “Abraham Accords” which brought several Arab and Muslim nations into direct negotiation with Israel for a future of shared economic and societal prosperity

  • Standing against the “Boycott, Divest, and Sanction” [BDS] movement which is designed to isolate, marginalize and cripple Israel’s economy.

By contrast, the Biden administration is unwinding these gains and/or implementing policies in direct opposition to the welfare of our only democratic ally in the Middle East. With shocking fervor, the new US regime is reversing Trump’s pro-Israel policies. The results are potentially catastrophic for Israel and America. With the abandonment of Afghanistan, we have created a nexus, an oasis [!] for terror in a key geographical site on the planet. While the USA concentrates on increasing ‘woke’ sensibilities in our institutions, the Iranians, Chinese, and Russians smell blood in the water and they are circling said blood for opportunities to expand and dominate Europe, Asia, and … the West?

Regarding Iran, “Israel’s position is that the United States should take diplomatic and economic action, and at a minimum threaten military action if Iran refuses to reinstate the limitations on its nuclear activities set out in the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA. The 2015 nuclear deal permitted Iran to enrich limited quantities of uranium to the level of 3.67 percent. Iran is currently enriching massive quantities of uranium to 60 percent—just a step away from weapons-grade.”

I recommend the above-cited article for an in-depth view of the growing gap between Israel and the USA. We need to pray and vote for leaders who can see the spiritual, political, and economic pitfalls of turning our backs on Israel and the Jewish people.

1 Now the Lord had said to Abram:“Get out of your country,

From your family

And from your father’s house,

To a land that I will show you.

2 I will make you a great nation;

I will bless you

And make your name great;

And you shall be a blessing.

3 I will bless those who bless you,

And I will curse him who curses you;

And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Genesis 12:1-3


Many are reaching for a spiritual revival and a cultural awakening in the USA. In the midst of the global pandemic, scamdemic, spamdemic – whatever you call this partly medical [but certainly tyrannical] movement, there are some interesting bright spots in view. One is dear to my heart as a lifelong comedy fan.

This is the emergence of free-thinking, free-speaking comedians who are bravely going where comedians used to live… in the rarified atmosphere of JOKES and HUMOR without regard for the endless sensitivities of various special interest groups. This territory was pioneered in the 20th century by Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, and others. The fearless “speaking of truth to power” has a long history. Now some humorists are appearing as genuine “liberals”… speaking up in a refreshing way to both sides of the political divide. Bill Maher, Dave Chapelle, and Adam Carolla come to mind. Perhaps the jesters can re-institute good ‘ole laughter, the alleged best medicine to the American psyche.

Imagine my surprise as I researched the history of Jesters jousting with the powers that be. In the King’s court, in newspaper satire, and in the halls of power, the clown has historically pointed out the utter humanity of those who rule.

Some lithographs and old paintings portray the King’s clown holding what appears to be a shofar! Is this a confirmation of the many Jews in comedy over the centuries? Or is it a prophetic picture of the need to laugh at ourselves and trumpet the fact that the foibles of mankind are universal and living with that truth is an antidote to the virtue signaling of our day. Stay tuned…


On the home front, I am recovering from a total knee replacement and starting to gain mobility. What a relief. Thanks for your prayers and support during this time.

Katharine and I are receiving calls to come and minister on both coasts in the upcoming months. We are excited to get back on the road, as God leads us, to proclaim the coming King and His divine purposes in marriage, family and the nations… beginning with Israel and going to the ends of the earth.

Ethiopian Initiative

This month we will be joining a body-wide move to provide needed help for the Ethiopian community in Israel. These precious brothers and sisters need prayer, encouragement, food, clothing, and job opportunities. Specifically in Ashkelon, we are joining my son Jonathan at Daystar TV, and several other ministries, to build a bomb shelter for them, along with a renovated Community Center, and provide 20 new computers for the students to use to do their homework after school. Ashkelon is a prime target for the Hamas rockets from Gaza.

This just in from the coordinator of the Ethiopian project:

“You are AMAZING, Myles!!! Thank you so much. It means the world that you and Katharine would get behind our project with the Ethiopians and we promise you that 100% will go directly to this project. You’re literally the first gift that I know of for this and, although I believe there will be many others, there is something significant about the first. Love and many blessings to you both - and - THANKS AGAIN! It means so much to us!”

Would you join us in providing this wonderful Chanukah present?

God will surely bless us as we give to His natural family, the Jewish people:

Matthew 25:40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

We love you and thank the Lord for our ongoing partnership in Kingdom matters.

May His blessings overtake you in this season.

With gratitude,

Myles & Katharine


Winter 2021/Kislev 5782


Shana Tova!