The depth and riches of the Lord and His Word!
The Fall Feasts are winding down as we celebrate Sukkot,the Feast of Tabernacles. All the feasts have historical, prophetic, and personal applications. The history of Israel provides examples for us. The prophetic aspect points to the work of Yeshua. The personal application speaks of God’s ability to illustrate in a very intimate way how we are transformed as we behold the Lord and appropriate the truth of the Scriptures.Some of us in the Messianic movement believe that Jesus was conceived on Hanukkah as the light of the world and born on Sukkot, as Immanuel, meaning “God with us.” The Sukkot holiday looks forward to His appearing and establishing the millennial reign as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! That is why JOY is the mandated human response to the biblical mandate. The joy of the Lord characterizes this season, and why not? We are looking up, for our redemption draws near; and when He comes, He will set all things in order, under His feet.
This theory of the Hanukkah conception/Sukkot birth can’t be definitively proven, but it certainly fits the majestic, mathematical artistry of the Creator of Heaven and Earth.The depth and riches of the Lord and His Word!Blog first published by Zola Levitt Ministries